Monday, June 29, 2009

Prom Hairstyle: Paris Hilton Updos

One of the things you'll want for your prom night is a fantastic hairstyle that will get you all the attention you deserve. You don't have to do anything as drastic as dying your hair to match your gown as long as you choose a style that's completely different from the style you wear almost every day.

So still wonder what prom hairstyle to go? Why not consider Paris Hilton's latest prom updos hairstyle when she attended a news conference at Dubai BFF.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Prom Hairstyles: Hair Extension

How is it that some girls have great prom hair, and other girls don’t? It all depends on how you take care of your hair, and what you use on it. It is not easy. We all know how important it is to look good, and have the latest trend even on our heads. There are a few tricks you could try to get the hair style you want but most importantly, it is always a good idea to take good care of your hair and try to find a great hair doctor to help you with it! By hair doctor, I mean hair stylist at a salon. Most are very knowledgeable and can take a dried out frizz-ball, and nurse it back to a healthy beautiful head of hair. I am guilty of having my own hair doctor, and I am very happy I do!

A few tricks to try and are highly recommend, not to mention fun, quick and easy, are to find some hair extensions to match your natural hair color. It is highly suggested to take a close girlfriend or family member to the store to make sure the extensions match your natural color. That is actually the easy part. The more difficult part is to make sure when using them, it is not too obvious there are any extensions in the hair by making sure the clips are hidden well. The only thing to do in this situation is to play with the hair. An extra helping hand and set of eyes won’t hurt either. This experiment would make for a great pajama party to learn how to use them with other hair-extension girlfriends!

There are a few different kinds of extensions to pick from depending on what you want to do. There are individual "chunks" of hair you could buy to just clip or glue onto strategic places where they are needed, or there are more expensive pieces that pin up on half of the head. There are also colorful single “chunks” to purchase at beauty supply stores, but not all carry the colorful strands. These are great to match up with your dress color or for a more rock star look. They can also be used every day for fun to spruce up any hairstyle or outfit. I am also guilty of using them on a regular basis!

It is not impossible to have a beautiful healthy hair style for prom or any other occasion. Just keep in mind that it does take a little bit of time, effort, and money. If you’ll be trying to style your hair yourself, it is always a good idea to prep ahead of time and have an extra set of hands to help you out and an extra big mirror. Don’t wait until the last minute either. Doing your homework and shopping around for hair extensions a few weeks ahead of time, will help greatly if you choose to go that route. So, take care of your hair, and good luck styling!

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meet My Dad

(Hi everyone! I'm over here in America the Beautiful having a great time!)
I grew up at BYU, which isn't to say I was actually raised there , but I did spend a good deal of time there as a child. Mom worked at the library and dad at the photo lab.

I remember the smell of the library, which I didn't appreciate as a child, and climbing stairs there. I remember the smell of the photo lab, which I still don't appreciate, and dad letting us into the little circular chamber leading from the lab to the dark room. I remember being scared of being in that small space, in pitch blackness and always being afraid of what might be there when I came into the light, or the darkness of the dark room (I never knew which to expect while turning that curved, sliding door). Maybe that was because of all the weird odors.

We ran around on the grounds of campus. We played hide and seek at the Tree of Life. We hopped from stone to stone of those paving blocks outside the bookstore. I always felt a little irreverent doing that, as I knew they were actually tombstones. We spent good, long minutes drooling over the display of fudge and all the piles and piles of candy in the bookstore. Over and over and over again.

Then we moved away.

On one of our early trips back to visit family in Utah we all knew we'd be going to BYU. In the weeks before the trip we talked about all the things we'd see and do. Once when we were talking about the candy counter my dad heard the anticipation in our voice and felt he should warn us, "Oh, you guys, they don't have any more candy at BYU."

We stared. "They what?" "They don't have any more candy." "You mean like that candy counter? It's gone? Even in the Twilight Zone? Why? Are they trying to keep people from being unhealthy? Is it a new policy, like the no caffeinated drinks thing?"

We were very confused and very disappointed. He kept replying that he didn't know why, he just knew they didn't have any more candy.

I almost didn't even want to visit campus anymore.

But we did. And we went to the bookstore. And. . . THERE WAS THE CANDY, just as it had always been, colorful and tempting as ever. How could this be? Then we ran over thinking maybe it was actually just the Twilight Zone. Candy galore.

When my dad came back from visiting friends in the photo lab we accosted him. "What happened? You said. . .?" etc.

"What?", he wondered with an innocent (read mischievous) expression on his face. "I said they don't have any more candy, right?" We agreed and pointed all around at the mountains of sweet stuff, question marks all over our faces.

"Well, do they have any more? I don't think they do have any more. Probably there isn't any less, either, but I don't think there's any more."

Yeah. That's my dad. Taking advantage of the fact that we couldn't see the space between the any and the more every time he said it. It means a totally different thing when there's a space in there.

I know I'm a few days late, and I won't go on about how much I love my dad (though I do!) but this story is a great example of the many, many things my dad said to us growing up that reeeeeally shaped the way I am today.

Other examples include his response to our (probably constant) complaints that our something or other hurt (if it was our right elbow he'd ask us to give him our left so he could even it out, or so the other wouldn't seem to hurt so much) or that it hurt when we did this (like raised our arm or whatever, to which he replied, "Then don't do that!"). Plus all the times he "ate" an ant that was on my raspberry or a gnat that was in my soup. (I was a little disappointed a few years ago when I mentioned this to him and he told me that he must have been teasing because he would never eat those things on purpose. I WATCHED HIM DO IT! With my very own seven year old eyes which don't miss anything!)

I love my dad.

Hair Cool

No site Trendencias tem um post falando sobre os penteados cool para o verão 2010!
Como já falamos aqui no Blog, o coque voltou com tudo! Mesmo sendo tendência para o verão, acredito que o look funciona super bem no inverno, já que usamos roupas mais pesadas e volumosas!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cabelo Curto

No site da Oficina de Estilo tem um post muito bacana falando de cabelo curto!
Uma das meninas da Oficina depois da gravidez resolveu cortar o cabelo curto, já que ela gostava muito mas não tinha coragem.. e adorou! Disse que ela achou que o bacana do cabelo curto é poder explorar a feminilidade em outros pontos, como na roupa, na atitude e tudo o mais!
Achei muito interessante a opinião dela. O cabelo curto é sempre uma questão complicada, a mulherada, ainda mais as gaúchas, são totalmente a favor do cabelão.. mesmo que o cabelo curto seja super tendência lá fora!
Vale a pena dar uma olhada para se inspirar e criar coragem para fazer tudo o que vocês sempre tiveram vontade de fazer e não fizeram ainda! Coragem muherada... vamos ousar!

Cabelo + Arte

Arte e Cabelo?!? Para quem acha que os dois assuntos são totalmente diferentes, ainda não viram o trabalho dos stylists Ben Gregory e Dean Beavis... O blog da 284 apresentou o trabalho da dupla criativa Gregory Dean que são incríveis!!!!
Vale a visita no site!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Prom Hairstyle: How to Take Care of Your Curly Prom Hairstyle

Curly Prom hair can be beautiful. But as anyone who has curly can attest to, there is a fine line between Nicole Kidman’s beautiful curls and a Bozo the Clown do. Follow these steps so no one will confuse the two when they check out your head.
  • Invest in a good prom hair cut. Find a stylist who knows how to cut curly prom hair. Depending on your style, layers are usually a no-no for curly prom hair. You should have your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Purchase the proper styling tools, shampoos, conditioners and styling products. There are several products that are created specifically for curly prom hair.
  • Shampoo your curly prom hair every other day. The natural oils in your hair help keep the curls smooth. Curly hair can get frizzy if washed too frequently.
  • Condition everyday. Even if you do not shampoo, wet and condition your prom hair. Use conditioner on the ends rather than the roots. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Deep condition every 2 to 3 weeks. This will help keep the rough shaft of your hair smooth and pliable. It also helps prevent split ends.
  • Use a pick to comb out wet hair—never a comb. Curly hair is fragile and needs to be handled gently. A pick moves through curls and tangles easily, without stretching or breaking the hair shaft.
  • Add the correct styling product to your hair, depending on your purpose. A serum will help keep your curls tight and shiny. A mousse or gel will keep the curls stiffer. A straightening solution will make your curls wavy rather than springy.
  • Utilize a diffuser every time you blow dry your hair. Never blow dry completely. A diffuser helps distribute the heat and air, keeping your curls tight and composed, rather than frizzy.
  • Keep your hands away from your hair throughout the day. The more you touch and finger your hair, the more wiry it will get.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Prom Hairstyles: Bob Hairstyles with Bang

The long bob hairstyles with bang is one of the most fashionable hair trends for this season. Why not consider this new long bob hairstyles trend for your coming prom night.

An angled front, crown right and creative color placement add impact to this long bob hairstyles. Blow dry with a large round brush using volumizer for fullness.

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Raquel Medeiros no salão

Raquel Medeiros está com a sua pop up store no salão hoje das 10 às 18h!
Um espetáculo... vestidinhos de inverno, casacos, muita malharia e inclusive blusões masculinos!
Vale dar uma passadinha aqui no salão para dar uma olhada nas novidades!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Make Trend

Vi há uns dias atrás no site da Revista Glamour um post chamado Havy Metal, falando das tendências me make metálicas que as celebs estavam usando...
E agora acompanhando os desfiles do São Paulo Fashion Week, a maioria das makes são metalizadas... com muito dourado e bronze principalmente!
E o bacana é que cada desfile dá uma interpretação diferente para a tendência!
Então já sabem verão 2010 a make é do metal!


O pessoal aqui do salão adora uma transformação...
Essas fotos são da trasnformação das nossas clientes Simone Vidal e Agnes, depois de uma escova definiva... Que diferença, né?!?
E quem quiser se "transformar" também, a promoção Alise-se também foi prorrogada até o final do mês.
Até o dia 30 de junho:
Escova Definitiva: R$ 380,00*
Escova Progressiva: R$ 150,00*
Preço Promocional Fixo, válido até o dia 30/06 para todos os tipo de cabelos!

Pintar o cabelo em 10 minutos?!?

Já imaginou pintar os cabelos em 10 minutos??
Pois é... a última novidade do salão é uma tintura a base de nanopigmentos microcristalizados que garantem o mesmo efeito das tinturas tradicionais com 1/4 do tempo.
A grande diferença é que essa coloração atinge o seu ponto de oxidação em 5minutos, enquanto as tinturas tradicionais levam cerca de 20minutos para chegar ao ponto de oxidação e mais 20min para a fixação do pigmento, esse novo produto desenvolvido através da nanotecnologia garante todo esse processo em 10minutos.
Por isso, não agride tanto o couro cabeludo e tem menos risco de dar uma reação alérgica.
Além da sua fórmula que também é composta por aminoácidos funcionais que hidratam o cabelo.
Isso mesmo, cabelo pintado e hidratado em 10minutos... loucura né?!?
Com matéria-prima importada da França, a tintura é sucesso total na Europa e tendência mundial em coloração!
E quer mais novidades??
Então lá vai... a Promoção Apaixone-se foi prorrogada até o final do mês!
Até o dia 30 de junho:
Coloração R$ 50,00
Mechas R$ 80,00
Coloração + Mechas R$ 100,00
E ainda em 10 minutos!
Mas corra e marque já seu horário... pq já ta uma loucuraaaaa!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


O primeiro dia de São paulo Fashion Week já trouxe novidades..
Os desfiles de Priscilla Darolt e Paola Robba trouxeram basicamente o mesmo cabelo... um efeito meio futurista, mas super verão!
Vamos esperar para ver o que os próximos desfiles anunciam de tendência em make e hair para o verão 2010...

Olho Marcado

A Marina do 2beauty fez um post no Blog da Julia Petit falando da tendência do olhão nas makes das celebrities!
No CFDA Fashion Awards a Ashley Olsen e Kirsten Dunst apareceram com um olho super marcado e boca natural... será que é tendência?!?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Prom Hairstyles: 2 Top Picks of the Week

Between extensions, color and accessories, celebrities are constantly updating their looks. Why not copy some of these celebrities hairstyle for your prom night?

Heidi's classic prom hairstyle combines barely there waves with a smooth crown, which we find this prom hairstyles is beautiful sexy and easy to do.

Pro How-To:-
  • Apply Cutler Volumizing Spray all over;
  • Blow dry with large round brush;
  • Put in four large Velcro Hair Rollers, two on top and one on each side, all going away from the face;
  • Allow to set while putting on your makeup. Then, remove the rollers and tousle with your hands.
Terry Hatcher looks glamor and sexy with her lengthy brunette locks, wavy prom hairstyles.
To copy Terry's hairstyles, you simply need to:-

  • Apply Cutler Volumizing Spray
  • Blow dry with large round brush.
  • Comb in a subtle side part
  • Vertically wrap 1 inch sections around a Curling iron as you mist with hair spray.
  • Allow to cool and either break up the waves with a vent brush or your fingers.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009


Depois de 30 anos da sua estréia original da Broadway, o musical HAIR está de volta aos palcos!
A peça que traz o melhor do movimento hippie, com muita referência dos anos 60 e 70 volta em momento super propício... Com mensagens de paz e amor, o musical traz a esperança de volta a uma época de crise financeira mundial, aquecimento global e incerteza do futuro!
Como a moda e, claro, o mundo da beleza se inspira muito nessas tendências de comportamento, será que os anos 60 e 70 também não vão ser reeditados para o verão 2010??
As tranças e os cabelos ondulados estão aí em passarelas de fashion Rio a campanhas internacionais para mostrar que podemos sim nos insipirar nessas décadas tão ricas em looks leves, cool e suuper verão!
Fiquem de olho nos looks com trança, eles são promessa para o próximo verão!

Friday, June 12, 2009


E a tão esperada trasnformação da Carol!
A Carol foi sorteada no encontrinho das blogueiras Paula e Marina, ela ganhou uma transformação completa!
Como a Carol não gosta muito de coloração e mechas, resolvemos deixá-la super lisa e fazer um corte parecido com o da Ashlei Olsen, um pouco assimétrico!
Ela adorou e achamos que deu uma super valorizada no rosto dela!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Corte Assimétrico

Ashley Olsen apareceu com um look loshooo...
O corte assimétrico deu um ar mais despojado ao clássico chanel, criando um visual cool, moderno e super clean...
O que vocês acharam?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tendências Fashion Rio

Em dois dias de Fashion Rio, vimos muita make delicada e colorida e cabelo preso, principalmente coques!
Vamos esperar os próximos desfiles para ver o que mais vem por aí!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Tata Pimentel depois de uma visitinha no salão!
Tata sempre ótimo!


Nossa promoção da Escova Definitiva foi um sucesso!!! E por isso prorrogamos para até o dia 06 de junho!
Até sábado aEscova Definitiva está com preço promocional: R$ 380,00 para todos os cabelos.
O efeito do alisamento é incrível... Colocamos algumas fotos de antes e depois de algumas de nossas clientes que ficaram lindas!