Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Things that I think are weird:

That Greg and I rented and watched Green Zone without knowing it. Greg went to get The Bourne Supremacy and the DVD had no title on it, just a picture of Matt Damon and the case was clear. We watched and I briefly wondered why Jason Bourne was now Roy Miller hunting WMD in Iraq and how so many bad words got into a PG-13 movie. Seriously, it wasn't until the next day when I looked up the movie and found that the synopsis didn't match the movie we watched. I was glad because I really had hoped Jason would find out more about his history and was confused that he hadn't. (duh)

That Poles serve ice cream on a plate, and I've seen them eat it with a fork before (I think Greg's mom once asked me if I wanted a fork or spoon with mine, or maybe my memory is exaggerating the weirdness of this). There is a chance that this is more Greg's family than all Poles. I will have to ask around.

That the facial cleanser I use, which is all things organic and earth friendly, comes in a plastic tube. Just kidding. That's understandable, but the wooden lid that made it look so enticing to me turns out to be absolutely unnecessary, and therefore a complete waste of natural resources. I only thought about this when the wood cracked and the regular plastic lid beneath was revealed. (because I totally fell for the marketing trick: it has wood, therefore it's natural and earthy, therefore it is good. Duh again.)

The length of some little boys' eyelashes.

That the packaging on a kid's drink bottle had "SUFER" printed in big, happy bubble letters. I'm not sure if they put an F on accident where they meant to put a P or if they left out the other F.

That a word that makes little American boys giggle can be found on products and even used as company names in Poland because in Polish it means "luck".

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