Friday, November 14, 2008

Books I'll Buy: (And I'm Famous by Association, Right?)

I've been saying that I want to have a special book shelf to fill with books written by bloggers I know. This, of course, will happen one day in the future when our "library" is more than a room full of stacks of papers and books (on the floor) and we actually have shelves. Here are some of the books that will be on that shelf:

My NovelMiss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind (available for pre-order) by the authoress Heidi Ashworth, who also happens to be my friend the blogger Heidi Ashworth.

As Yet Untitled Book of Funny Blog Posts being compiled by Sue (also see below), all the proceeds of which will go to the NieNie Fund. I'm confident that some of your posts will be in this book! You'll be famous!!

Is it Arrogant to Quote Yourself?Is it Arrogant to Quote Yourself? by my friend Kimberly VanderHorst who blogs at Temporary? Insanity.

All, if I can collect them, of the books by best-selling/award winning Annette Lyon including her latest, Spires of Stone. Her sixth book comes out spring 2009. And she blogs at The Lyon's Tale.

I'll be mad at myself if I've missed someone. Now here's a list of people whose books I'll one day be buying. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

My friend Melanie J of Write Stuff
My friend Alison Wonderland of -- well, that's both her name and her blog title
My follower Sue of navel gazing at its finest (just kidding--not about wanting to buy her book, though)

And now my throat hurts from all the yelling. (Please tell me who I've missed. Like do people who are doing the November writing thing plan to publish? Because then I will definitely be buying Kazzy and Brillig's books.)
**images pilfered off of these ladies blogs. I hope I'm not breaking some important law or can ate least be forgiven if I am.

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