Monday, November 24, 2008

Missing Everything

How in the world did you guys write NINETY-ONE posts in the three and a half days I was away from the computer? Sheesh. I'm a little worried I'm going to have to do some serious skimming and possibly even some skipping. I hate doing those things.

So on Thursday I quickly typed up an extra post or two since we were leaving to visit Greg's parents on Friday morning and wouldn't be back until Monday night and would have no Internet access. Then on Friday morning I typed up another one or two when we totally NEEDED to be out the door. That's why I'm going to clarify a few things.

I didn't mean to use the term "launch" to mean giving birth and didn't even think about it until after I had published it (scheduled). Also, that I love the concept of being a sheep because of the implications of humility and dependence and the recognition of the Shepherd's voice and the desire to follow Him out of trust in His care and love. Critics use it in terms of "blind obedience" or "blind faith" and that's what I was referring to. I'm sure you probably understood that. And I'm glad some of you liked yesterday's post, because I didn't and really wanted to swap it for something else but ran out of time!

Man I have a lot to catch up on. Apparently I have a title to defend over at Jen's Jingle and an award to pick up at The Extraordinary Ordinary. Plus unpacking to do, cookies to bake (I just went almost FOUR DAYS without any baked goods) and dinner to make. (Yes, cookies come before dinner, at least in order of importance.)

And I will try to skim all your posts, at least, but if you have a post that you published anytime Friday-Monday that you'd like me to read, please tell me. That maybe sounds dumb, but what if you think you wrote a really great post and I just skim through it and don't recognize it's awesomeness, all because you never told me? See?
I'll be answering some more of your questions later this week.

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