Thursday, March 19, 2009

One Way An Author Might Tell You What She Thinks Of You

People who read my blog know that I am not a very well rounded reader.  I love to read, (and I'm still a little more well rounded than I'd like to be in some ways (ahem)) but you can't really put those things together in reference to me.  I don't have access to many books and even if I did, I'm likely to just stick to the classics that I love.  

Annette Lyon knows this, but she's a good writer, and wants to get a fair representation of all types of readers on her blog book tour.  Which is why she asked me to be part of it.  That is totally unfair of me to put words in her mouth because she would never say or probably even think those things.  It's really just how I myself justify myself writing a review.  Myself.

I was in the middle of my Twilight series reading when I got the book.  Now, I'm not going to say that I hate Stephenie Meyer's writing or that I think her books are trash or any of that (because neither statement is true).  But I AM going to say that when I switched over from the middle of Eclipse to Annette's Tower of Strength I had a hard time thinking much more than "Really?  She wrote this?  I can't believe someone I know wrote this!"  Not because I didn't know that she could write well, but because I'd never read any of her fiction (historical fiction, in this case), and it is such a different thing!  

The story was interesting from the very beginning, but the thing I loved the most and noticed right away is the detail that makes you feel like you're right there with the character.  Little things like what a character is doing with their hands while they say something or what they're thinking about as they cross the street.  It just felt so whole and full and real.  Like I wasn't missing anything.  I loved that.

Also, Annette often says that her stories are supposed to be about the story more than the romance and she has been surprised when people consider her books to be first and foremost romances.  Well, you definitely get some good story lines going through this book, plenty to wonder what's going to happen with, but when the romance hits, it happens much as it does in real life.  When you find yourself in love with someone, that emotion sort of drives your life and all the other things that are happening in it become sort of "the other things", even if they're really very major.  Love just does that.  I think that's what happens in her books (though this is the only one I've read so far).  You have a terrific story, but the romantic parts are so real, even if they're just little clips here and there, that they sort of color everything about the book.  I think it means that she does a good job with it.

Now I must say that I really like Annette a lot.  I think she likes me too.  You want to know why?  Well, you'd think it would be strange and awkward to mention someone's BLOG in a book that takes place in the 1870's.  Especially to work it into the actual story.  Well, Annette likes me SO MUCH that she did that with my blog!!  I mean, there I was, reading on page seven and she distinctly mentions Away From It All!  Except she didn't use capitals.  But she still said it.  When Tabitha was talking about feeling guilty for even considering taking her son away from everything he has ever known.  I KNOW!!!  She totally loves me.  And the fact that we didn't know each other at all at the time she was writing the book is completely irrelevant.  So is the fact that my blog title is an everyday phrase.  Annette just really, really likes me.

In Stores Now!

You should definitely read this book.  Maybe you'll find your blog title in there.  Then you'll know she likes you, too!  (Because if it isn't in there, she probably doesn't like you.  You know how that is.)
Click the button in my sidebar to find out how to get your hands on a copy.

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