Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bangs! Bangs! I'd Rather Be Dead!

Okay, maybe that title is a bit over dramatic, but only a bit. I think no one has ever wanted to grow their bangs out more than I do. And I've only had them since yesterday.

I've been excited to get new glasses and a haircut for months now, and finally the time has come. First I went to the Optyk to choose some frames. I was determined not to get thick, dark, rectangular frames like the rest of the world. I was going to be original; and look so cute doing it. Even with my hair straight and straggly and ugly, as I've been thinking it for some months now, I put on these frames and suddenly felt that I looked so hip and cute. My hair was actually just kind of layered and wild in a trendy sort of way. I tried on maybe 25 pairs and narrowed my choices down to three,( all of which were thick, dark, rectangular frames) and made an appointment for an eye exam.

Then I went to make an appointment to have my hair cut at the best fryzjer in Mielec. They found a way to squeeze me in before I went to my eye exam so that I could make my final decision on my frames with my new haircut. They promised I would be in and out by 3pm which was when I had my eye appointment across the street.

I find it very difficult not to fall asleep while having my hair cut. This is primarily because, with my glasses off, I can see approximately nothing. Not exactly nothing, because I was able to tell when the lady started cutting me some bangs. I've had hair stylist trying to convince me to let them cut bangs for years, and I alway say no way. Uh...this lady didn't ask, she just cut. I was a little surprised when I noticed it, and slightly bothered, but I settled into feeling glad, because I probably should have tried them out a long time ago, and plus, what if I looked amazing with them? Yes, I would probably look amazing with them.

She finished cutting and styling and I put my glasses back on. My first reaction on seeing my reflection in the mirror was to laugh. Then I smiled and got us out of there (I took Evie along as a consultant). I SO didn't like this haircut. THEN I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 3:20. Can we say "satisfied customer?"

It was okay that we were late at the optician, and there were even about 30 seconds for me to mess with my hair in the mirror and decide that I REALLY didn't like this haircut. After the exam it was time to decide on frames. I put them all on in turn and guess what? Did they magically transform my hair into a fantastic and flattering cut? No. Every frame, when combined with my new cut, made me look like super-dork of the universe. I spent about 10 minutes deciding (nine of which were actually spent staring in disbelief at my hair) and found that I would be paying WAY more for these glasses, that only I sort of liked, than I wanted to. So when she asked if I wanted the skinnier kind of lenses for an extra $40 I said no, even though that means that you will probably see the thickness of the lenses sticking out of my frames. At this point, I really don't care, since I look like an dork anyway.

I will say that it's perfectly normal for me to come home from getting a haircut dissatisfied. Greg would be surprised if I ever came home and said that I liked my cut. I almost always come home, wash my hair for the third time that day and restyle it myself, and I usually feel better about the cut after that. No "just stepped out of a salon" feeling for me, thanks. I don't know if this is normal. Do other people do this? Well, either way, I do. But this time I didn't have the heart to try and fix it and then be disappointed again, so I left it until this morning. I just styled it myself, and: let's say I hated it 300% yesterday; I only hate it 250% when I style it myself. I'd rather go back to looking like Velma.

Also, when I came home yesterday Aaron laughed (actual, cute, baby, "mommy just made a funny joke" laughed) every single time he looked at me over the course of the first hour. I completely agree with him. This haircut is a joke.

*It's not a bad haircut. I'm sure she did a great job. It just is NOT my style and doesn't suit me.

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