Tuesday, December 2, 2008

She's Younger and Faster

. . .And that's why she tagged me. I've mentioned before about Olivia, who I babysat along with her twin sisters when I was first married. I gained invaluable experience from that "job" (it wasn't work, mostly pleasure) and made some really invaluable friends. They are a wonderful family.

I am dying a little because not only is Olivia in JR HIGH now, she recently had a birthday and I think she must be thirteen! AAK! How old am I!! So Livvy keeps a blog (a great one, private though) and she's tagged me. I'm going to do this tag because it was fun to read Olivia's and also in hopes of receiving forgiveness for all the times I yelled at her when I was babysitting. Oh wait. I never yelled at her. That was back before I knew you could yell at kids. Lucky Livvy!

This tag is full of the vaguest questions imaginable. So vague, in fact, that I was unable to call on my imagination for such a monstrous task. But I did have fun. And I really enjoyed how there were apostrophes in all the wrong places throughout the questions, like in the middle of the word "were" when it didn't mean "we are." It added greatly to the entertainment factor. Plus her answers were great, too. Sorry, but I edited the entertainment factor out of the questions. I answered these last night:

Where is your phone? On the stairs where it belongs.
Where is your significant other? In the living room where he belongs.
Your hair color? blond gone horribly wrong (read: dark)
Your mother? is short and wise
Your father? is tall and fitter than a man his age (or any age, really) should be.
Your favorite thing? Nothing general about this question. Food? Blogging? Reading?
Your dream last night? Do most people remember their dreams every night? If so, no fair.
Your dream/goal? to have patience
Your hobby? Um, I'll give you a hint, it's the main thing you know about me. (Besides the living in Poland, although that is certainly one of my hobbies. One which I'm pretty good at. Better than you, for sure. Don't worry, though; I'm sure if you tried, you could be good at it, too.)
Room you're in? The library (really a room full of piles of books and papers.)
Your fear? I'm fearless. Okay, being eaten by a dog.
Where do you want to be in six years? Same place I always want to be. Wherever I'm supposed to be.
Where were you last night? in the living room having a makeshift Sacrament meeting and Primary because David was too coughy to go to church so we all stayed home (a downside to having church forever away)
One of your wish list items? Don't you read my blog? SHELVES!
What you're not? an elephant
Where you grew up? Utah until age 11, California after that. And usually in my house.
The last thing you did? Well, I just scratched my nose. Swept the stairs.
Your TV? Fine thank you. How is yours?
Your pets? non existent (we're away from home too often!)
Your computer? poor and old
Your mood? tired
Missing someone? Always. There's a list.
Your car? In the garage in desperate need of a washing.
Something you're not wearing? a wig
Your summer? ended a while back
Love someone? Hmm. Nope.
Your favorite color? PERIWINKLE
When was the last time you laughed? Right after I typed Nope. (I'm being honest here. and really, what kind of question is "Love someone?" unless you're asking Lucifer, answers shouldn't vary all that much.)
Last time you cried? Wow! I can't remember! That means it might have been more than two days ago! Definitely some sort of record.

As far as tagging, I'd really like to read answers to these questions from all of you. Maybe you can just choose one question to answer in the comments? Except not the "Love someone?" one because it will be way too easy to tell by your answer whether or not you're Lucifer, and you maybe don't want everyone to know that.
Bonus points for anyone who answers ALL the questions on their blog!

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