Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Difference Between Pee and Water

Even though Aaron is just about exactly the age that both Evie and David were when they were potty trained (2 yrs. 3 months) I've been planning on waiting with him a little for his language and general getting-it skills to develop a little more. But then. . .

* He had a diaper rash
* Greg was out of town with the car (Vienna for a church meeting, poor guy) and we were almost out of diapers and
* it was Sunday: all day at home with nothing else to do but follow a naked boy around the house.

He's done alright, but nothing like Ev and Dave, both of whom just started using the potty night and day as soon as I took off their diapers. Aaron's more normal, I think, and has accidents, although hes gets it right most of the time.

When he does, he stands up excitedly pointing into the potty exclaiming, "Bee! Dah-doe!" (Pee! Bravo!) and does a little shoulder dance while showing everyone his M&M before he eats it.

When he doesn't we hear this from wherever he is, "Uh-oh, ah-lo!" (Uh-oh, water!) Following the sound of his voice I find him standing and pointing at a puddle on the floor repeating, "Uh-oh, ah-lo!"

Pee in the potty = pee
Pee on the floor = water

Now you know.

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