Monday, November 3, 2008

Excuses, Excuses

Last year I read very few blogs, but I did see NaBloPoMo here and there and had no idea what it was. Then in April when I started blogging in earnest I read through some people's archives and learned that it stands for National Blog Post Month and you're supposed to post every day during the month of November. I decided then, in my early blogging enthusiasm, that I would do it.

Then recently I decided I was NOT going to do it, as I'm sort of bored with myself. But yesterday I realized that it's November and I happened to already post on both the first and the second, so I've changed my mind again and am planning to do it. I know, fickle fickle.

I've read a lot of people expressing their fear of the "pressure" of writing every day. If you know me at all, you know that the second I start feeling any of that, I break my writing-every-day contract, which I've made with exactly nobody.

My main reason for wanting to write every day is in hopes that I will acquire the skill of writing posts that aren't 12 pages long. Of course, some posts will still be 12 pages long (NaBloPoMo isn't going to make an entirely new person of me), but I would like to be able to write less when called upon (that means when I want to).

Also, I'm pretty sure that from December 1st, after having posted 30 days in a row, starting back with my three times a week will feel great. Like I'm taking a nice long Hawaiian vacation in between each post. I'll have to be sure not to look out the window or go outside, though, as it will immediately dispel that illusion. December in Poland bears very little resemblance to any month in Hawaii. Well, neither does July in Poland, but whatever.

So, yeah. Those are my excuses. Not very convincing, maybe, but there you have it.

I'm sure I'm meant to say a word about the quality of upcoming posts. I'm not gonna, though, since I've never had much of a thing for "quality posting." I will say, though, that I have no plan at all as to what I will say day after day this month, which should be interesting. Or more likely, significantly less than interesting.
*cute button courtesy of Mombabe over at The Bingham Diaries

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