Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I spend a good deal of my time telling my children not to do it, and yet here I am, devoting an entire post to it. Shouting. Or more specifically shouting out. Or giving shout outs. However you put it in the plural.

My sister, the mother of the famous little singer, recently told me (again) about what wonderful readers I have. She's wondered in the past how people (I) can read blogs of people they don't know. Like what could possibly be the draw. When she reads the comments you guys leave on here, I think she gets an inkling. And also she starts looking in on some of your blogs sometimes too! You're converting her!

I recently saw some pictures that made me smile hugely in wonder and amazement. Pictures of a little girl I have no connection with. Then I clicked over to see some more. Oh my GOSH. That is one darling girl. And those are some terrific pictures. If I lived near her mom, Melissa of The Howell Harold, we'd be best friends and she would be my photographer for my kids pictures because that's what she does, and she's amazing. So if you live in or near Denver you should totally hook up with her and have your kids shot!!

Now I want to tell a story about a girl who had a little lamb. Just kidding, but I want to wonder soMething out loud. How Are some people able to be everywheRe at once? How do some people follow so many manY blogs? I mean, and actually read and comment on them? I'm kind of thinking of one person in particular (in case you couldn't tell), and I'm also wondering how she manages to leave the cleverest comments on every blog nearly every time. Not like it's a competition, and not like I think comments need to be clever, but I'm just thinking, if I was keeping up with so many blogs, I and leaving such funny comments every time, it would take me all day every day. I would spend 5 minutes coming up with something hilarious to say after reading each post. But somehow she manages it and also has her own hilarious, and I mean hilarious, blog plus a clean house and two little kids. HOW DO YOU DO IT? Sheesh.*

I'm having difficulty adding new blogs, even though I keep coming across awesome ones. I start reading and think, should I just pop in for a visit once in a while? I'm getting nervous about following too many blogs since I like to read every word of every post, and I already feel like I'm spending too much time on the computer. How is one to do it?

Soon I'll scream at some of the people whose books I want to buy and read and keep on a special shelf for books written by my talented fellow bloggers. Or maybe I'll yell at them. Or give them a shout out, or whatever.

Two little footnotes: My dad was a professional photographer and when we were little we had a bumper sticker on our huge green station wagon that said, "Have your family shot today." with the name of the photography place in fine print underneath.
Also, I was planning on putting in that part about Mary BEFORE she started following my blog. It's not like we made some sort of deal or anything.

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