Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tragedy: A Top Quality Post

Yesterday I read the post I've highlighted in my sidebar and cried. This morning I read a post of Melanie's at Write Stuff and cried. Then I read an email from my cousin in response to my questions about her health, and cried. Then I went downstairs and watched a little Larry King while sitting on my husband's lap and cried. Mostly because I didn't feel very comfortable and kept feeling like I was falling off of his lap (please try to contain your tears of empathy). I moved onto the couch and started thinking about how I might have to wake Aaron up from his nap in order to be able to pick the kids up from school on time, and I felt sad. Larry King got boring so I switch to some cooking show and started crying. Not about the cooking (they weren't cooking seafood or anything, it was a dessert). Or about the previously mentioned email or blog posts or baby thing. I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, thinking it was maybe my blood sugar level or something. I started buttering the bread and REALLY started crying because there was no way I could eat that sandwich because I wasn't feeling well.

I'm weepy. I think it's just a severe case of PMS. I'm not even going to charge you for that information. I'm generous in my sorrow.

And to make up for the previous bad paragraphs, have you heard my favorite joke that I forgot to tell in my other post?

Why is it called PMS? Because the name "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken.

And one of Greg's favorite jokes that sort of matches: Why do women wear make-up and perfume? Because they're ugly and they stink.

I don't feel like crying so much anymore. I think I'll go take a shower. (but I'm sure I'll come up with something to cry about in there. Does anyone else love crying in the shower as much as I do?)

(Never mind. I have something to cry about. I finished typing this up and went over to read Alison Wonderland's latest post and accidentally clicked on her link to an article which tells a very sad story (got a little weepy) and then mentions organ donorship. I LOVE ORGAN DONORSHIP. So I started all-out crying. Everyone, be a donor.)(Now I feel like crying because donorship isn't a word(sorta suspected that) and I think it should be (maybe you're aware that I usually don't care AT ALL if something is a word or not.)

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