Sunday, November 9, 2008

How Many Getting-into-Heaven Points Do you Get for Posting Your Testimony(ish) on You Tube?

I've mentioned before that Greg is pretty active on you tube posting videos in an effort to help dispel myths about Mormnonism, as per Elder Ballard's suggestion (that we join the "conversation" on the internet).

Two weeks ago he came home from work and told us that he wanted to take us to the forest because he wanted to make a video with our family. During the drive we talked about how our day had gone, and right as we were about to park he told me what the plan was for the video. Apparently I was supposed to take an active role, so I had about 5 minutes while walking to the filming spot to think about it. You'll be able to tell if you decide to watch the video.

I'm posting this, not because I expect you all to watch it, but because it's a good thing to post on Sunday. (And also I sort of don't really want people to watch it anyway because in the video, besides seeing me, my husband and my kids (those are the good things), you also get see more than enough of my chins. (those are the bad things)) Greg and I talk about why we feel the restored Gospel is needed in our day, or what we appreciate about having it in our lives.

It's long. About ten minutes BUT if you have a fast connection and it will upload quickly, even if you don't plan on watching the whole thing, I at least recommend you watch from about 8:10 and watch Evie and David carefully. I wasn't aware that they were actually listening to what we said until I watched this and saw their immediate reaction to what Greg says at 8:22. I find it to be a little hilarious. Maybe it's because I'm part of this family, but I've watched that part over and over.

If you're not up for a long video or double chins, and you didn't read my older post about you tube you should TOTALLY click on the link at the top (mentioned before) to see a very funny, very short clip from Cheers related to Mormonism. Sort of.
And if you're a you tube surfer and you're interested, you can find Greg's page or whatever it's called here.

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