Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Glad I Mentioned It

This morning I was getting cleaning supplies out from under the sink in the kitchen while Greg was standing there waiting for an egg to hardly boil. I started explaining to him that now I know how people get mold in their showers. Ours has mold in it. I told him, "If you don't wash it for about three weeks, mold will grow."

His response? "You wash the shower?" "Um yes, I wash the shower." "Oh, I thought mold just didn't grow in Poland like it does in Utah."


So I'm really glad it came up. I was actually not going to say anything, sort of hoping that he hadn't noticed the mildew before I got the chance to clean it. Well, I'm not sure if he noticed it or not, but apparently he has noticed that there hasn't been any before now. Magically.

(Which isn't to say there hasn't been more than enough lime scale and dried toothpaste etc. And which also isn't to say that I clean my bathrooms every week. Especially the bathtub and shower. I plan to clean them every week. Which is not quite the same thing.)

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