Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, it appears as though I'll be taking a little break from blogging.  I mean, why would I read interesting posts written by people I admire and respect when I can write articles and articles about something I know absolutely nothing about?  I mean, what woman who has been on a boat three times in her life wouldn't want to write many thousands of words about various watercraft?  Especially if she gets to spend an entire article spelling one key word "yatch" over and over?  

Basically what I've been doing is writing up these articles for I have no idea who about I have no idea what (really.  I mean, I didn't actually know what a pendant was until I started writing that last batch of articles.).  It seems my articles are to include words or phrases that are commonly used in Internet searches (hence the yatch, many searchers have dyslexia, it seems), and then someone sticks a link on it and- BAM- they get loads of business.  That's why I had the joy of writing up an article that was to include in the title and at least twice in the text the phrase "pearl pendant white gold" and another with "pendant gold diamond" with no commas or dashes added.  And one of the articles was about "mothers pendants" or "mother jewelry".  I'm not sure if I hated leaving out the apostrophe or leaving out both the "s" and the apostrophe more.

*sigh*.  I go into every single new article feeling like I'm going to a classroom in high school to take a final exam except I have no idea what subject it even is, much less what exactly to study. Or what my own name is. 

Let's just say there are lots of stories in my articles.  The one about "motor yachts" was a story about a guy sitting at his desk during his break daydreaming about being on the ocean.  I know exactly NO boating or fishing terminology and don't have the time to do much research (although it feels like I spend hours searching and find NOTHING to go by).  The story is fine, but there's no hiding the fact that I know zero about motor yachts, or what one does on one, either.  The articles are supposed to be "interesting, entertaining and/or educational."  I just hope I made them one of the former two, since I certainly didn't make them the latter. 

Is that enough complaining for you?  I hope so, because I'm done.  

We're off to Greg's parent's house for 4-5 days and I'm not sure when I'll have the chance to peek in on you all.  Plus, until we find a writer to replace me, I'll be writing up more articles on fascinating subjects.   Unfortunately they take a freakin' heck of a lot of time.  Excuse my language.  (Oops, I was supposed to be done complaining.)

I'll miss you!  Don't be shy to email me if something amazing happens like *MARY* comes back or you inherited a bajillion dollars that you want to share with me so that I will never, ever have to write unless I so desire.  Or anything else you think I should know.

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