Saturday, January 24, 2009


Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.  

Just kidding.  Sort of.  I mean, that's not what I really was going to blog about, but it is true, in many ways.

In the last few days a couple of you have mentioned something about your husbands that implied that they know who I am (my blogging self I mean, of course).  Is that a little crazy?  I think it's a little crazy.  But I also think it's a lot awesome.  Not that they know me, exactly (although, hello!  Awesome!) but that our husbands, many of them at least, know us!  Oh shoot, that's not what I mean either.  Of course our husband's know us!  Mine knows me, yours knows you, but I think you understand what I'm getting at here.

I love telling Greg about posts that I have enjoyed or updating him about something he already knows about someone, or telling him about comment threads or showing him funny or neat pictures or  reading him posts, that are very meaningful to me.  I used to get flustered when I started in on one of these things, "So she's the one who's aunt showed up and was a real jerk but they ended up forgiving and having a bonding moment.  Remember?  With the little baby who fell down and had to get stitches on his eyebrow?"  And he would always remember (okay, not always; sometimes he says "No, but continue." so I do.) but I got a little sick of always giving a few reminders like that.  One night I was talking about one of you (okay, fine, it was Heather of the EO because I'd been talking lots about her and Asher's issues around that time) and finally I just said, "How should I help you know who I'm talking about?"  and my dear, wise husband said, "Why don't you just call her by name!"  

Genius!  So I did.  And now I always do.  And I do with many of you.  Of course I still give little prompts since he's not the best with names, even when they come with faces, and so without faces?  You can imagine.  

So my point was that I love that our husbands are aware of who our blogging friends are.  And one other reason is because it makes you all seem so much less imaginary when I'm not the only one I know who "knows" you and accepts you as real entities.  Living breathing humans, and not just words and pictures on a screen.  And that's such a relief because you guys have always seemed so real to me, and keep seeming more and more real all the time.

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