Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some Background

I was going to tell a story from my childhood, but decided to talk about a different kind of background instead.

I love seeing what blog layouts people choose.  I think it tells something about you, just like the clothes you wear or the movies you watch or the way you hang your toilet paper (I'm an "over" kind of girl, and what that says about me is that I have common sense.  J/K, unless you hang yours over too, in which case: high fives for your common sense!).  They (blog layouts, remember?) can be conservative, crazy, cutsie, crafty, classy or any of a variety of other adjectives beginning with c. 

I know many people swear by The Cutest Blog on the Block, as it is super fast and easy to change layouts and you don't have to redo anything in your sidebar.  Also there is quite a fair selection, and new ones available all the time.  And it's free.  But I will never use them, although I love guessing at people's personalities, based on the backgrounds they choose. 

Why will I never use them, you may ask.  Aren't they cute?  Yes, they're cute.  Many of them.  But they almost all are very scrapbooky/crafty looking.  I am neither scrapbooky nor crafty and it makes it impossible for me to identify with any of those layouts.

Before I move on to my own layout, I'll mention, or remind you all, that my favorite layout ever is Alison Wonderland's.  I like all of my friend's layouts, and really like many of them, but I loved hers at first sight, and it's one of the main reasons I visit her blog.  JUST KIDDING!!!  Of course. 

Well, I really like my own layout (I'm not one of those people who chose a layout that they can't stand), but it came with large (huge) Italian words at the heading of the sidebar and the other middle text part (I've got my blog terminology down pretty well, here, no?  At least I know "sidebar").  Greg had to perform all sorts of tricks to get rid of them and to make it so that I could change the color of my background at will (but it was too crazy hard to make it so I could change the lines on the borders).  He spent an entire afternoon in the summer doing it all for me (and added in the kids' names on the swirls as a surprise). 

That was so very, very good of him, because he hates this background.  But he hated my previous one (which I loved dearly) even more, so he was willing to do almost anything to get rid of it.  Even give up a lovely summer's afternoon staring at something he didn't like (this layout in its original sage green--pretty!).

Why does he dislike it so strongly, you may ask.  He thinks it looks like a tattoo.  The kind girls get on their lower back.  Actually, he swears that that is what it is meant to look like.  I tried to explain to him that those tattoos are created to look like a classical swirly-type pattern (see, there goes my overactive vocabulary again.  I hope you understood that sophisticated description) that you might see on curtains or a bedspread or something.  I don't know.  But he just KNOWS it's a tattoo.  And wonders why I chose a tattoo pattern for my blog, since I'm not the biggest fan of tattoos.

So I told him I would ask you all if you have ever thought the word, "tattoo" while looking at my layout, or more specifically at the pattern at the top of it.  I'm very interested to know. 

The other day I went with him to Alison's blog to watch her favorite commercial (which has since become our favorite commercial) and the first thing he said was, "Oh!  Now that is a nice background!"  So at least we agree on something.
*If you want to you can answer the poll in my sidebar about your layout.

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