Friday, October 10, 2008


The purpose of this post is to shock Anne (I said I might post these and. . . I AM!) and make it so Gramma Lee can finally see some video (she works at BYU where you can't view things from you tube (!?!).

Proof that Aaron does the things I accuse him of in the previous post:

Exhibit A: Playing with Plastic Bag
(but first getting an sms-I believe you Americans call them text messages-because editor daddy* couldn't leave it out. And please pretend that you can't hear me calling him "hona" instead of honey in the flusteredness of trying to balance the camera AND throw the bag farther away at the same time. Add speaking into the mix, and it's apparently too much for me.)

Exhibit B: Bouncing a Ball in His Hands
(but first answering my question "Is it yummy?" about the kielbasa he's eating. That "nah" and ardent head shaking means he looooooves it, of course. Apparently it still hasn't stopped being opposite day)
It seems the editor thought this one was a little too quite, so he's added music. And he's the boss. Watch Aaron's eyes. He only looks at the ball the one time he lets it drop on purpose.

Exhibit C: Dying a Western Movie Death
WARNING: While this video contains no gore, it still may be too much for the sensitive viewer.

* Those who have ever commented on the quality of the pictures posted, like those on Evie's birthday post, should know that I do not take pictures. Greg is the photog in our family. Not I. And he does all the video editing as well.

*Before I posted this I watched these videos with Aaron over and over. He kept laughing. His favorite part was after he dies that one time and I ask him if he's okay in that annoying voice. He finds it hilarious. I don't really get why.

Oh, and speaking of texting, I have to share this. It's another one I saw on JustRandi's blog Is it Just Me?

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