Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Kept Myself From Going Into a Sugar Coma Last Week

I've mentioned before about my sugar addiction. From the earliest days I can remember I have eaten loads of candy all the time. Through my first two pregnancies I ate even more than usual. It was awful, but I turned out some super sweet kids because of it.

About a year after David was born I got sick of being the frumpiest woman in all of Poland, and possibly the world. I'd lost my pregnancy weight, but I still had all my old late nineties baggy clothes. I did some shopping, got a haircut and wore a tad more make up than before. I was feeling great. For some reason at this point I decided to go off of chocolate. I had already decided that candy wasn't worth the calories, but I was still gorging on all things chocolate. I decided not to eat it, unless it was in something baked (I knew I could never give up brownies and cookies). I went more than two years without eating much chocolate. (And I don't think it was related, but I was at my thinnest ever, too. Okay, maybe it was related)

Then I got pregnant with Aaron and one day decided I wanted a bar of chocolate. Milk chocolate with bits of toffee, just like in Andes Toffee Crunch. Oh, it was yummy! I didn't stop after that. I realized with a sense of pride in my forethought, how unfair it would have been to this poor little fetus, to not give him the same chance at sweetness that I'd given his siblings.

I totally believe it the "moderation in all things" thing. I recently realized (maybe had some inkling before, too) that eating 2 candy bars and 15 cookies in a 24 hour period isn't really all that moderate. So I decided to go back to my no chocolate/candy that hasn't been baked into something. I also decided that I could only eat those somethings after dinner. So no eating cookies all day every day, either. It's been like a week and a half and I'm still totally alive. I'm shocked about that.

Some of you know that Greg took on a kiosk that sold primarily media, cleaning/personal hygiene supplies, school supplies and candy. It was a great (cough cough) experience for him. No, actually it really was. He learned a ton and also I'm so glad I can say "was" because that means he doesn't have the kiosk anymore and that the wackiness that was our lives has decreased slightly as a result. (He did it for almost a year and then decided to call it quits, and handed it back to the chain)

Another result, though is that we have suitcases full of stuff. Things like:

Toilet paper, soap, deodorant, laundry detergent, etc. all in brands I would never choose.

20 little paintbrushes, 15 pencil sharpeners, 10 glue sticks, 7 black permanent markers, etc.

AND LOTS OF CANDY! By lots I mean maybe 75 candy bars, plus little individually wrapped chocolates and fizzy candies. (oh, and 50 little boxes of extra strong tic tacs. bleh.)

So, if I hadn't started my "diet of moderation" 2 days before this stuff arrived at our house, I can guarantee (mostly because there is no way to prove it, so I'm safe here) that I would have eaten and eaten without ceasing and ended up in a sugar coma. As it is, though, I've eaten none of it.

My "diet" saved my life!! I'm sort of sure of it.

Also, my moderation motto is keeping me from going all house cleaning crazy or craft crazy with the other takings. Yes, I practice a great deal of moderation in cleaning and crafting. I'm really very good about those things.

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